1990’s Alumni Reunion 

On Saturday, April 23, over 30 alumni enthusiastically gathered at The Cathedral School for a 90’s-decade reunion. The warmth and affection these alumni have for each other was certainly evident as they greeted one another with excitement and big hugs. A number of attendees brought their children, which added an extra layer of energy to the occasion. Special guests included the beloved Linda Brown—a 34-year Cathedral employee until her retirement in 2016—and former faculty member Jennifer Pingeon. Alumni were thrilled to reunite with Brian and Arden Delacey as well. 
Head of School Erica Corbin addressed the crowd and spoke to the School’s enduring roots. Ms. Corbin’s remarks were followed by tours of the building. Visitors were especially excited to tour the Expansion, including the Library and Innovation Lab—which were not in existence during their tenure—and to see their former classrooms. One '99 alumna and current Trustee summed it up, "This was truly special, and I can’t wait for more in the years to come!" As the evening came to a close, many of the alumni seemed reluctant to leave the building, with one joking, "We are re-enrolling!" 
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