
The mission statement of The Cathedral School highlights its Episcopal identity as a community that welcomes children and families of all faiths and no religious affiliation. In our approach to the study of religion and emphasis on character education, we welcome the diverse voices and experiences of our community into the conversation. Through chapel, all-school evensongs, and classroom inquiry, The Cathedral School is a place where students can begin to develop spiritual literacy and explore questions of purpose and meaning.

Know Wonder: Inclusive Spirit, Cultural Competency

What is an Episcopal Education?

Begins from the premise that we (faculty, students, administrators, staff) are all a community of explorers, that we all need to continue to learn and to grow

Encourages all students, faculty, and staff to pursue questions wherever they lead, to use their critical faculties, to value the learning and thought we have inherited from the past

Does not enforce an unquestioning acceptance of a preordained set of doctrines

Raises issues of meaning, identity, and ultimate truth
1047 Amsterdam Avenue   |   New York, NY 10025   | P:  212-316-7500   | F:  212-316-7558