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  • Our expansive campus

    With almost a dozen acres available on the Cathedral Close, our campus is unlike any other in Manhattan. This unique environment offers ample outdoor space for safe athletic practices, community gatherings, and outdoor classwork.
  • Outdoor spaces and playgrounds

    Sheltered by both the Cathedral and the school building, the Kit Wallace Playground has an incredible array of equipment, guaranteed to please and challenge any Cathedral student, while still accommodating social distance (if required.) 

    Equally enjoyable is the Nave Playground, running along the south side of the Cathedral and featuring climbing equipment and ample space.

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  • Cathedral's ongoing Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program

    Guidance from the NY State Education Department indicates that, “Social emotional well-being must be schools’ and districts’ top priority in supporting school transitions, not at the expense of academics, but in order to create the mental, social, and emotional space for academic learning to occur.”

    This upcoming year, Cathedral’s SEL (social emotional learning) curriculum will continue to foster the Five CASEL core competency skills of self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.

    The first quarter of the school year will focus on reconnecting and rebuilding our community of learners through research-based lessons conducted by classroom teachers, under the guidance of our psychologists.  

    The Cathedral School also recognizes that social-emotional education is critical from an equity and justice perspective. Emotional intelligence is highly correlated with career success and is a developmental right of all children. 
  • Equity, Inclusion, and Engagement in the Upper School

    Equity, Inclusion, and Engagement in the Upper School will be furthered by the Director of Equity and Engagement in the following ways:
    • Students will continue to participate in Affinity Groups, which will address both issues of identity and equity generally, as well as how they have manifested in the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • All students in the Upper School will have Equity & Justice classes.
    • The Director of Equity and Engagement will host sessions to share best practices to help parents support children and each other at home.
    • The Upper School Leadership Team will assess students’ changing technological needs and other equity-based issues that might arise.
    • The Director of Equity and Engagement will be available to speak with parents and guardians upon request.
    • The Upper School will offer EXCEL to support students struggling with time management and workload.
    • Advisory periods will be themed to assist students with strengthening relationships, building self-esteem, time management, and coping with change. Deans and teachers will partner in this work with the Upper School Psychologist and Learning Specialists.
  • Role of school psychologists

    Cathedral families are always welcome to call upon the support and resources of our Lower School and Upper School Psychologists.
    Their role includes but is not limited to:

    • Serving as a liaison for communication with students and families in crisis
    • Maintaining a bank of social-emotional lessons, activities, and other resources
    • Hosting sessions for parents to share best practices to help support children and parents and guardians at home
    • Speaking to parents and guardians upon request
    • Employing a highly tailored approach to each student and/or family situation
    • Providing instructional support to assist teachers with planning, implementing, and supporting the fidelity and progress monitoring of evidence-based academic interventions
    • Providing support to teachers and parents about signs of depression, anxiety, stress, lack of motivation, and disengagement so they may identify students who need support
    • Providing supportive counseling and consultation for teachers and students who are struggling with issues related to the virus and confinement. Refer staff to community and system agencies when appropriate.

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  • A passion for learning

    Passion for Learning is one of The Cathedral School's seven core values. As a community, and throughout this pandemic, we are determined to honor this value.

    Passion for learning means constantly striving to better understand ourselves and the world. At Cathedral, we inspire active and ongoing inquiry, dialogue, and critical thought in order to pursue our interests and talents while exploring things that are challenging for us in order to grow.

    We are committed to nurturing articulate, confident, responsible citizens of the world.
  • Spirit of community

    A sense of community is essential to life at The Cathedral School. We welcome each child as a whole person, with respect for their individuality and worth. 

    Inclusion is at the core of the mission of The Cathedral School. We believe that the recognition and appreciation of differences in race, socioeconomic status, cultural or religious tradition, age, gender, ability, and sexual orientation enhance the individual's sense of identity and broaden respect for others. At Cathedral, growing and learning together in a diverse community of individuals is an invaluable aspect of the education we provide.

    It is in times of disruption that we all have an opportunity to provide true support for one another—this is particularly true at The Cathedral School, where our Mission and Core Values guide all that we do as teachers and learners.
  • Dedicated faculty

    From Kindergarten through 8th grade, our dedicated faculty challenge and support Cathedral students as they grow into critical thinkers, thoughtful scholars, and culturally competent leaders.

    The entire faculty and staff welcome the opportunity to work together and demonstrate these values in new and powerful ways—all for the continued growth and education of our students. 
  • Rigorous academics

    We believe in a rigorous academic program that blends innovation and tradition, from the 3rd grade’s sophisticated Lego Robotics projects to the robust Latin program in our Upper School.

    Our Mission Statement is an important guiding document for our institution, at all times. The statement calls for us to form “articulate, confident, and responsible citizens of the world… through innovative approaches to learning.”

    At Cathedral, our Mission Statement is more than just words—it is an imperative woven into the very fabric of our program. Innovative approaches are exactly what this moment calls for, and Cathedral is deeply grateful for the talents and partnership of our dedicated faculty who are prepared to embrace the challenges and opportunities with their usual aplomb. 
Policies and protocols are subject to change based upon the lifting or restricting of actions by the state or the city.
1047 Amsterdam Avenue   |   New York, NY 10025   | P:  212-316-7500   | F:  212-316-7558